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Preserving Our Township's
Life, Land, and Legacy

Welcome to this site!

Franklin Against Kensington Solar (FAKS) is a group of residents, land owners, and concerned citizens of the rural neighborhood that spans Franklin Township, Ohio. FAKS came together in the summer of 2022 to inform local residents and share information about a proposed utility-scale solar plant slated for construction in our predominantly agricultural region of the county.  

Next meeting:

Public Hearing Workshop


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Picture taken on Franklin View Farms in Franklin Township

-Project: 2264 acres (almost 1/6 of Franklin Township

-Panels: 856 football fields worth of farmland will be covered by just the panels, twice that (1,712 football fields) needed for the total project

-Fence: 39.3 miles of 6/7' tall with 3 rows of angled barbed wire on top to encompass project 

-3,028,430 FT of Underground Collection Cables to connect panels and go to substation buried 18'' deep

-42,801 Panel support

I-beams (W6x9 piles) will be driven using a pile driver with hydraulically operated hammer. They will be driven 6-11 feet deep and take up to 4.3 minutes to drive each one. Liberty is anticipating 1 year of construction time.

-Interior Access Roads: 37.3 miles using over 77,282 tons of gravel


-Roads will be 6’’ deep and 16’ wide= approx. so 3,000 dump trucks of top soil out and gravel in.

Here's Some FAKS
  • To foster awareness of the rural character and attributes of a unique neighborhood in Franklin Township, Ohio.

  • To consider the impact and implications of a utility-scale solar array on longstanding and productive agricultural landscapes.

  • To promote preservation and stewardship of farmland, cultural, natural and recreational resources for current and future generations.

  • To encourage and ensure community participation in proposed utility-scale energy projects.

  • To demand transparency by sharing and making available information and resources.

  • To engage with civility—as neighbors and as citizens—in a constructive discussion about the scale and compatibility of this project.


The FAKS committee volunteer their time. Donations help pay for our attorney (required when intervening during the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) hearings), community outreach, and out-of-pocket expenses.

View Maps

See maps of the areas affected by the proposed solar project.

Algonquin Power, the Mother company of Kensington Solar is selling all renewable energy projects due to financial woes. 
See the article here!

Listen to Ron Verb Podcast
570 WKBN Oct 13, 2023
feat. Diane Brown Call-in at minute 1hr. 12min.

Read our responses to the 
Morning Journal + Salem News
Pro-Solar Editorials here!

We now have
226 OPSB public
comments on 
the project!

Please keep them coming!

If you haven't commented yet or want to comment again, please
 Click Here
for easy and fast links/directions!
(Look for the same orange font)

Visit our Resources page to watch a startling documentary dismantling this form of "Green Energy"

10 Ohio Counties Ban Wind/Solar Projects
-Read article here
this now also includes Columbiana County!

Photo Taken in Franklin Township

Disclaimer: The information on this website is Franklin Against Kensington Solar's best attempt to collect and share information with the community.  Any and all views and opinions expressed in the material provided do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of FAKS. We encourage users to conduct their own research, as this information is subject to change and may be updated as new findings and records become available.

See the Official Disclaimer here.

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