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Thank you in advance for your consideration with a donation.

​The FAKS committee volunteers their time. Donations help pay for our attorney (required when intervening during the OPSB hearings), community outreach, and out-of-pocket expenses. FAKS is an LLC. Checks can be made out to FAKS and mailed to:
14242 Fink Rd. Kensington, OH 44427

The Donate button below may be used to process a donation via PayPal. 


to make alternate arrangements.

Picture taken in Franklin Township

Disclaimer: The information on this website is Franklin Against Kensington Solar's best attempt to collect and share information with the community.  Any and all views and opinions expressed in the material provided do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of FAKS. We encourage users to conduct their own research, as this information is subject to change and may be updated as new findings and records become available.

See the Official Disclaimer here.

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